Clarity and regularity of communication are required in both sports and the workplace. Don’t wait to make adjustments; help the players on your team understand what they are doing while they are doing it. To allow employees to observe and self-correct, design feedback loops with varying frequency, such hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly feedback, which are outlined in detail below. You should also use a mix of feedback formats as the situation requires:
  • Oral: Verbal feedback delivered to an individual employee or a small group
  • Visual: Feedback delivered through illustration, either by 1) demonstrating the proper way to perform a particular action or achieve desired results, or 2) using charts, graphs, dashboards or other image-based depictions
  • Written: Creating a record of the feedback by email, organization-specific forms (e.g., write-up or commendation), or a hand-written note placed in the employee’s file
Here's a quick reference chart to help you choose the most appropriate performance feedback methods: