June 22, 2016

How to overcome your passive-aggressive tendencies

Question: I am the vice president of sales for a manufacturing company. I worked hard for a year to convince one of our partners to put […]
June 15, 2016

How to make real contributions to the discussion with your boss

Question: My boss gets easily annoyed with me.I try to explain things I think he ought to know but he often interrupts and tells me with, […]
June 8, 2016

5 steps for cleaning a cluttered workspace

With rare exception, even the most well-ordered minds could use a workspace cleaning. One such exception was, Morley Safer, who died recently of pneumonia. In a […]
June 1, 2016

The Sword of Damocles: The value of philosophy to a business leader

Question: Our family business is in its third generation. My wife and I hope that our son will want to take over the business someday. He is […]
May 24, 2016

9 ways business leaders can make Memorial Day more meaningful

Given that Memorial Day is often a time of retail sales and family picnics, leaders can help others remember the importance of this day of dedication, […]
May 17, 2016

How we helped lead our company back from devastation

Our English word crisis comes from the Latinized form of the Greek word krisis, meaning “turning point” or critical moment in a given situation, especially when […]
May 11, 2016

7 tips for making the most of a one-on-one meeting

Question: I meet one-on-one with my subordinates monthly, but the meetings aren’t as productive as they could be. On top of that, my boss is supposed […]
May 3, 2016

How to deal with hypocrisy (in yourself and others)

Question: One of my employees implies that I am being hypocritical any time I fail to do what I said I was going to do. The […]